DuPage County moved to the state wide electronic filing platform, EFileIL, on July 1, 2019. Here are some things that you need to know.

  • Click Here to access the I2file user manual for the instructions to register and e-file for civil cases.
  • More information on the Criminal and Traffic Assessment Act is provided at
  • Civil case filing and Appearance fees can be downloaded here.
  • We are currently in production with all civil cases.
  • I2File.net is an approved website for eFileIL, so you may continue to use that for your filings. After July 1,2019 the "old way" in i2File will continue to provide electronic filing for Criminal and Juvenile cases in DuPage County, as well as copy requests. After you login, there will be information at the top of the screen.
  • DuPage's eFileIL platform will not allow attachments to the lead document.If you have a complaint and three affidavits, each one of the documents will require their own filing code and upload. In this example, your envelope will contain one complaint and three affidavit filing codes.
  • DuPage County Attorney IDs are still required, in the Case Cross Reference Field. Attorney information such as the name of the firm, address, and phone number can be changed by submitting form #2377 (DUPAGE COUNTY ATTORNEY INFORMATION SHEET) to the Clerk's office. This form can be found at . Please search for the form number of 2377.
  • We are encouraging the legal community to register for our attorney access portal at
    • For cases filed through EFileIL, we will not be able to provide a Status, Diligence or Case Management Date in the files stamp.You will have to query for your case to find out what dates have been assigned.
    • Copy requests will be supported through this website.
  • Filings with specific return dates will not be allowed on New Case filings.Cases in DuPage are randomly assigned to courtrooms that hear the nature of that case, and we cannot provide a reliable way to guarantee return date availability without knowing the court location. Date-specific filings must be submitted as Subsequent case filings, after the case number and location have been assigned.
    • This website will offer a calendar feature to display open MOTION or RETURN dates that are available for use on Notice of Motion or Summons filings.

No DuPage Attorney Number?

  • Any attorney practicing law in DuPage County is required to have a DuPage County Attorney number assigned to their firm. Individual attorneys within the same firm should use the firm's attorney number when they file. Your ARDC number will be validated when your number is assigned. Please fill out form #2377 (DUPAGE COUNTY ATTORNEY INFORMATION SHEET) and send it to the Clerk's office. This form can be found at . Please search for the form number of 2377. You can email the form to and your number will be assigned immediately.
    • DuPage and Cook Attorney IDs are not the same.
    • If you file in both counties, we recommend that you add both numbers to the attorney information section at the bottom left of your pleadings.
  • All non-litigant and non-attorney parties, such as self-represented litigants, process servers or Guardian Ad Litems, will also be required to provide a DuPage Attorney number when they file in EFileIL.Please use a DuPage County Attorney Number of 99500.You can hover over the Case Cross Reference Number field and view of reminder of this number. Please note this is the same number used in Cook County.Any filer who is not an attorney should use this number.
  • What if I am an attorney in another state? Generally, only attorneys with an Illinois ARDC number receive DuPage County Attorney numbers. Please use the 99500 code for non-attorney parties. If you would like to discuss any special circumstances with your case filings, please email or call 630(407)-8700.

How do I file Exhibits or Certificates on a new case?

The Administrative Office of Illinois Courts does not allow Exhibits or Certificates on new cases filings; therefore, you have two options.

  • You may include exhibits or supporting information in the same PDF as the complaint, behind your initial complaint petition.Don't forget the size of that PDF file must still be under 25 mb.
  • You may file a Certificate of Indigency as a filing code of Waiver.
  • You may upload anything as an Other Document Not Listed, and please provide a comment to the Clerk's office on how you would like this filed, i.e. "This is an exhibit."
  • Exhibit Cover Sheets (Form #4393)
    • This was mandatory earlier in the year.It was difficult to determine which Exhibit went with which Motion.
    • If you have the CASE TITLE and CASE NUMBER on the first page of your Exhibit, that should be accepted.
    • We are going to add the Filer's "description" and "comments to the court" text to a note on the Exhibit in our case management system.Please use these fields.
    • If you are uploading non-standard exhibits that do not have case information on the first page, then use the cover sheet.
    • You can always file your exhibit in the same PDF, behind your Motion.It will not get a separate file stamp.